You can make a One-off Payment to The Gujarati Pariwar (Waikato) Inc through your online banking.

Payments can be made for annual Membership Subscription $20 and/or Donations towards the Gujarati Pariwar (Waikato) Inc.

Step : 1 – log in to your Online Banking

Our bank account details: 06-0229-0721009-00

It is important that the reference, detail and code fields are completed with their membership number, your name and the word Membership so that we can record the payment correctly and pass the information on to the correct people in our organisation.

1. in the Particulars field – your Membership Number

2. in the Code field – Your name

3. in the Reference field – the word “Membership”

We will process the payment within 10 working days and you will receive a receipt confirmation.

For further assistance please email us or submit contact form through online